Sunday 19 October 2014

World Conflict, Live and Unedited

Over the last century the advancement of technology has had an enormous impact on the way people perceive the world, with one of the most influential of these being the broadcasts of the war in Vietnam. For the first time in history people on the other side of the planet could see the horrors that were being inflicted on people, some of which they knew personally. As a result the anti war movement was born, and most major western nations held peace rallies to end US intervention in Vietnam.

Another of these advancements has shown itself in the past months, as we are now able to see world events live streamed. One of the first instances of this was the Russian/Ukrainian conflict that is still ongoing. During the riots that sparked the whole conflict, I was able to load two different cameras broadcasting the riots from two different angles. This is now forming a new type of media which is free of the manipulative editing that previously most forms of journalism were subjected to, and as a result people worldwide now feel directly connected to issues that would have just been a minute long piece on the news that night.

When there is no filter applied to the way we consume our world news, there is suddenly the scary thought that what your are watching is actually occurring right now somewhere in the world.

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