Tuesday 2 September 2014

Modernisation of charity

Yesterday I received a call to sponsor a charity, and while this isn't abnormal as usually the only calls to still come on the home line are charities and scammers, I began to think of what a strange practice it is. Now I think with most of these charities what they are doing is for a noble cause however the charities that I support are the ones that have affected me or people I know. So it baffles me that this shotgun approach to fundraising occurs as much as it does, and while I'm sure it is a very effective method, personally it may turn me off from donating to that charity in the future. Charities should be effective because people are inspired to genuinely want to support a cause, and not because they would feel guilty for turning down someone over the phone. In the last post I talked about the ice bucket challenge and how it became so successful for the charity, to this day raising over 80 million dollars for ALS, I see this as an example of fundraising done right. It was an innovative way to raise money that benefitted from the avid use of social media in the demographic that was prepared to support it. Every industry in this modern world needs to adapt to survive, charities are no different, and what happens when there are no phone lines left.

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